This June, in honor of father's day, i am partnering with CCALS, a nonprofit organization based in my home state of Massachusetts that supports people who have been diagnosed with ALS with the physical and emotional complexities associated with this horrible disease. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Compassionate Care ALS help provide resources, equipment, guidance and assistance to patients and their families dealing with this unpredictable and incurable neuromuscular disorder.

Why am i donating to this organization? Well, my dad was diagnosed earlier this year with ALS and they have been a great help to my parents. My dad, known to my friends as Cool J Mollo, is the life of the party. He’s the first to arrive and the last to leave and can be spotted in any group picture giving a #”1” or “W” (for win) sign, as he will always be a lifelong jock, even if the photo is being taken at one of my fashion shows, or even over breakfast as the photo below shows. People who know me know that i am super close with my parents and that I speak with them every night, i’m an only child so it’s only the three of us. The irony of this disease is that it strips it’s victims of their ability to move and speak and when speaking is all you have when you live far away from your family, it makes it very hard. As of right now dad is still physically active, and we hope to delay any advancement of the disease into his limbs, but not being able to talk much to someone who we used to call “ma bell” is heartbreaking. Dad has given me my super social personality (and my less-than-feminine muscular legs) and giving back to this organization is the only thing that allows me to take control of a very uncontrollable, nightmarish situation.

CCALS has been there for my family during this time and i would love to be able to give back to them with the ALS Clutch, a tribute to baseball legend Lou Gehrig, #4. Clutches can be purchased both with and without the #4 zipper charm, which is 3D printed in a white, strong and flexible plastic. All profits from this vinyl clutch will be donated to CCALS at the month's end.

Thank you so much
Click here to support CCALS